Let us remember those who fought for you and me,
In order that we may live lives in which we are free!
In order that we may live lives in which we are free!
Pray for the fallen man and horse,
For both feel a deep remorse!
For both feel a deep remorse!
Called up to join in with the Great War,
Along with the thousands who went before!
Along with the thousands who went before!
They were a team - man and beast,
Both wishing for the war to cease!
Should never have been the horrors seen!
One hundred years on and what have we learnt?
One hundred years on and what have we learnt?
That honours won were bitterly earnt.
Thousands fell to the ground and lost,
Thousands fell to the ground and lost,
Their earthly lives, such a great cost!
To the light they were drawn,
It is we who were left forlorn!
Their reward for helping their brothers,
Thinking - not of themselves but of others,
For them is their eternal life!
In a place free from fear and from strife!
The most beautiful place to be in!
Is where their days now end and begin!
Though often they come along to visit us,
We learn of their lives continuation thus!
So wear your red poppy with pride,
Spirit always by your side!
Help and hope for all mankind,
Armistice Day will serve to remind!
To the light they were drawn,
It is we who were left forlorn!
Their reward for helping their brothers,
Thinking - not of themselves but of others,
For them is their eternal life!
In a place free from fear and from strife!
The most beautiful place to be in!
Is where their days now end and begin!
Though often they come along to visit us,
We learn of their lives continuation thus!
So wear your red poppy with pride,
Spirit always by your side!
Help and hope for all mankind,
Armistice Day will serve to remind!
Written by
Katie Hughes
Katie Hughes
Written in November 2014 this poem by Katie Hughes remembers those who lost their lives in the First World War.
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